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Choosing a Premium Domain Name for Your Existing Business

  • Published On: August 29, 2023

  • Category: ownership

If you have an existing business, you can buy premium domains that can help increase your online presence. When selecting a domain for a current business, look for one that matches the rest of your marketing strategy. Here is more information to help you choose a premium domain name for your company:

Choose a Memorable Name

Keep your domain name short with no more than two or three words in your domain. Longer domain names may be difficult for potential customers to remember. Leave out small words, such as "and," "the," and "or," which lengthen your domain name and can make it more complicated.

Complicated domain names can cause your potential customers to overlook your business online. If they're trying to type in your website address from memory, a shorter domain name can be easier to memorize. Shorten the domain name by leaving out "company" or "organization". is simpler to recall than

Avoid Ambiguity

While you want your domain name to be short and easy to remember, don't cut it too short. Don't leave out any necessary words for clarification. Avoid using abbreviations and acronyms that customers may not recognize. Choose terms that clearly state the goods or services your business provides. doesn't tell people what the business does. It could be a charter fishing boat company, a store that sells fishing gear, or a business that sells fish for aquariums. tells you that this business rents boats for customers who want to go fishing.

Make the Name Relevant to Your Business Purpose

Be detailed in your domain name to keep it relevant to the goods or services your business provides. A law firm that focuses on family law could include the phrase, "family law," in the domain name. When potential clients are looking for a divorce attorney, they will see your company listed. If your business already has a name that doesn't make it obvious what you do, you can use descriptive words in your domain.

Consider Adding Keywords

When you buy premium domains, you'll want to consider search engine optimization (SEO). Part of your marketing strategy includes using keywords in your domain name. Keywords are the terms people type into search engines when they're looking for information. If someone needs legal advice, they might put in their search the term "lawyers near me." For a law firm's domain name, you could use the city where you live and add "lawyer," such as "Philadelphia lawyer." Research popular keywords related to your industry in order to understand what your potential customers are looking for. This can help you decide which keywords to incorporate into your domain name.

Find Out if the Name Is Available

Once you find a domain name that fits your business, has relevant keywords, and is memorable, your next step is to see if it's available. You can search for available domains that are relevant to your business with Just type in relevant search terms or your business name to get a list of domains that fit your criteria. The results will show you the premium names that are available, along with their prices.

Avoid Other Extensions

If you come up with a name for your domain and find that the version with the .com extension is taken, avoid using another extension. Choosing to only use .com may help establish your website as more trustworthy and authoritative. People searching for your business may see a result with the .com extension and assume it's the one they want because it was likely the first in the results. This extension is one the most used, and it is also perceived to be the safest and recognized as a commercial website as opposed to a government or education site. works with .com domains, which are the easiest for most people to remember because they are the most commonly used for businesses in the United States.

Match Other Marketing Tools

Once you have a premium domain for your business, you'll want to include it in all your marketing materials. Your premium domain name should match or complement the rest of your advertising. Consider how it will look on your business cards, flyers, and direct mail campaigns. Choose a domain that matches your email address or uses keywords you're already incorporating into your marketing campaigns.

Buy Premium Domains With

The right premium domains can help people find you and increase your company's online visibility. If you're looking to buy premium domains for your current business, let help you choose the right one. Start searching for domain names at using any existing keywords. With over a decade in the industry, we have helped many businesses find the right domain to increase their online presence. Contact us with any questions you might have about getting a premium domain for an existing business.